Sunday 3 March 2013

Planets (WIP)

A bit about planets, work in progress.

Gas giants (like jupiter, saturn, neptune, uranus)
. Ice Giants
* Hot Neptunes
* Hot Jupiters
* Super-Jupiters
* Mini-Neptunes
* Chthonian planets (atmosphere-less former gas giant)
* Carbon Giants (Brown Dwarfs)

Terrestrial planets (like earth, mars, venus, mercury)
. Super-Earth = very large, but still solid
. Carbon planets = mostly carbon (methane, CO2, oil, graphite, diamond)
. Coreless planets = mostly silicates
. Iron planets = mostly metals (such as iron)
. Habitable Planets
  . Desert planets = habitable, but low water
  . Earthlike planets = like Earth!
  . Ocean planets = habitable, but mostly covered with water

* Moons, Rings
. Dwarf Planets
. C-Type Asteroids = hydrocarbons?
. S-Type Asteroids = iron-silicates, magnesium-silicates
. M-Type Asteroids = nickel-iron
. Comets = Ice

. Silicates = quartz, feldspars, pyroxenes, and olivines
. Metals = kamacite, faenite, ...
. Carbon = graphite, ...
. Ice = methane, ammonia, water
. Gas = hydrogen, helium